Sunday, May 19, 2013

Five Blogs.

(Day 19: Five of your Favorite Blogs and What You Love About Them)

1 - Glorious Nonsense - Jayme has been a good friend ever since we started working at the same software company in Madison, WI. She was always the decision-maker of the group. A leader. A guide. We even traveled together to Peru, where we hiked up mountains and took on South America. It has been amazing to see her grow into a new mother with grace and beauty. Much love to Jayme!

2 - Hello From Wow - I already gave a nod to Truen earlier in the challenge but her blog can never get enough mention. An enjoyable mix of photos, videos and prose that I will never tire of.  

3 - Lifeintrees - Part of the incredible duo that is Truen and Matthew, this blog has also been a favorite of mine for a while. Love the random day-in-the-life photos. A different perspective on life.

4 - The Gleaming Underbelly - So amazingly jealous of the writing skill of this lovely lady. I had the pleasure of meeting Rachael back in the days of working at Heathline. I have been inspired by her talent, beauty and writing ever since.  

5 - Looking Through the Lens - A nod to the person who brought the May Blogger Challenge to my attention. Have loved reading this blog mostly because it helps me get to know someone who I have only been related to for a little over two years. Being far away makes it hard to get to know people, but this helps. And I'm thankful for it.

As a bonus:

Use Real Butter - This is a cool blog because it has loads of awesome recipes.. but also a lot of amazing pictures and stories about Jen's life.  Plus, I like butter.

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