Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day in the Life.

(Half-way through the Challenge: A Day in the Life)

This is Wednesday.

1:09am - Wake up. Is it time to get up yet? Check my phone. Nope.

4:45am - Alarm goes off. Do I have to get up now? Sigh. Yes. Get up. Get dressed. Eat yogurt. Brush teeth. Too early for thoughts. Just robot movements.

5:15am - Walk to work. The streets are dead. Air brisk. (Should have brought another layer.) Homeless man hounds me to buy a Street Sheet. Walk faster.

5:30am through noon - Coffee. People. More coffee. More people. Grind. Pour. Stir. Sugar. Cream. Grind. Pour. Stir. Sugar. Cream. Grindpourstirsugarcream. 

Noon - Phew. Clock out time!

12:05pm - Walk home. It's warm now. The sun is out. The City is up and I weave around it as I traverse.

12:30pm - Home and on the couch. Snuggle time with the Catface. Lunch: Eggplant, shallots, parm, butter, red sauce and angel hair. Yum.

1:30pm - Shower and dress to start the rest of my day clean and fresh.

2:00pm - Administrative time: Budget, blogging, e-mail. 

3:00pm - Time to myself! Rediscover a lost saved game of Zelda on SNES. There goes my afternoon..

5:00pm - Josh is home! 

5:30pm - Head out for downtown. Walk, bus, walk. More people, more bustle.

6:00pm through 8:00pm - Business time. Spreadsheets, forms, schedules, logins. Meet new people. Share new ideas. 

9:00pm - Dinner/trivia at the Irish Pub. Whiskey. Chicken fingers.

10:00pm - Walk home again. This is the third time today I have walked this route. This time it is dark. This time it is colder. This time Josh is at my side. This time is my bookend.

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